Last year I made very few handmade Christmas gifts. The idea of making and sending something across the ocean in time for Christmas was really daunting. So I skipped it.
This year, I went for it. I started early and made three (count 'em) shawls for the women in my family. Mom, Mom-in-Law, and Sister-in-Law. Two of these are Swallowtails, which is a really beautiful pattern. (I actually made another one for a friend's mother, but did not have time to photograph it, so you'll just have to trust me on that.)

Some time ago, I bought this little cooking pamphlet at a second hand store somewhere in the US of A. Last year when Hyland was back in the US looking through our books, he came across it and brought it back to Holland. It has a delicious recipe for Lemon Drop cookies that is out of this world. They taste kind of like the old Lemon Coolers, except without the powdery outside.

Oh yes, and I made this tiered cookie platter from some plates and cups I found at the secondhand store. I glued them together with 2-part epoxy, and so far they are staying together really well. I got the idea from the ladies at RESTORED.

Christmas just wouldn't be the same without crafting.